Sunday, August 14, 2011

dEar FAmilY anD frIEnds...:)

YoU aRe WaRmlY InVIted.....Thanx A Lot for sUpporTing our Relation...May Allah BLesS yoU AlL..

LAst but Not LeaSt...After FAcing all kinD of SituAtioN aNd ChalLenge...wE are tYing an eteRnal knot Forever and evER..

FoR mE...My New chAPter of LIfe jUst BegiN.....:) InsyAALLAh...GoD wIlL be On MySide foReVEr...

FaMilY anD FrIenDS....HoPe foR yoUr suPPort AnD PraYEr.........TiLL DeAtH dO uS ApArt....ThANx....

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